Monday, May 19, 2008

THE UNDERDOGS : an article about boys

It would be unfair for girls to be compared with boys. Girls are way too smart while boys are way too sluggish.

Comparison is a crime, but still God created everything differently. So we may all have the same body parts and the same smell after a day’s work, but still we are all far from being the same.

I belong to the female group, I love flowers and hate bees. I love watching romantic flicks and never think its boring or baduy. But this one can still be a two-sided article, girls are great and boys think so too.

Girls are smart, we mature faster than boys do, but maybe we can’t hide the fact that some boys are really good in some things.

Back in highschool I can’t remember any mathematical awards given to a girl but always to a boy by the name I can’t even remember. Maybe because I thought he was a nerd or maybe because I just can’t accept the fact that he’s better with numbers.

Scientific researches explain that boys usually use the right side of their brain to work on abstract problems, which includes mathematical computations. Well that makes sense, so boys really do better than girls? The research further explains, but girls on their part tend to use both sides of the brain making them good in both verbal communication skills and solving abstracts. Now that makes more sense.

Boys are usually the insensitive ones. According to psychological studies, there is some truth in the perceived lack of male sensitivity. Men, more often than women, have difficulty with loving feelings, being vulnerable, and with grieving. These are vital human qualities that men have often lost and that may take much time and therapy to regain. Often men are not even aware that they are hurting. You’ll see them realizing their faults but still denies it and let others suffer because of their incompetence. They don’t even know the word sorry unless it’s them whom you have hurt and in need of an apology.

The denial of pain and hurt is widespread, particularly among men. Other sociological studies show that for them it is often safer to stick with the anger than to face any of the fear and hurt beneath the rage. It is often an important part of men's personal growth to become aware of and sensitive to discomfort, fear and hurt.

They also can’t act directly without a clear command or given rule. This can be a good trait or maybe this is just one way of saying boys were really created to serve, serve thy queens.

I didn’t even want to squeeze in the idea of love since it’s too mushy for such a serious write-up, but then it’s just perfect to relate love with boys. Not because they’re the ideal lovers but because they can’t really define the word, all they think of is lust, lust, lust. Oh ok, maybe not all. But maybe somewhere, somehow, they’ll find what real love really means.

The IQ of girls is likely to rise earlier than the boys’. But there’s always the drop point wherein boys’ tactics and ways beats the brains. I still believe girls are way better, but then I won’t be here without my father’s sperm so I guess I owe it to him.

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