An empty canvass splashed with a mixture of acrylic plus the artistic stroke from a young man’s hand is already called an art. But if you add some odd shapes and a little of dark shades, they call it a masterpiece.
Gemart Ortega’s definition of an art is the works that not everyone can figure out. “…anything that is unusual. The ones that others think is weird, for me is an art. The unexplainable and strange, that no one can really understand is the perfect art.” He proudly said in Filipino.
Ortega is one of the young artists that give a different perspective of art. Only on his second year in UP Diliman, he already had numerous art exhibits with other Pinoy artists, that, he cannot remember exactly how many. He started painting at an early age of 11 and since then had always found himself holding the paintbrush.
He says his artworks are the reflection of who he truly is. The things that are inside his head are represented by the colors and odd shapes that he includes in every painting he finishes.
His paintings are basically his way of expressing his emotions and that makes it stand out from the others. Being a 17-year-old fine arts student, he has crazy ideas to use as subjects and has his creative hands to make others understand his thoughts.
Walking along the hallway full of different master pieces, Ortega’s paintings can be easily distinguished from the others. With its different strokes used from the different mixture of colors that was splattered in the canvass to show everything that was on his head. One of which was Ortega’s favorite painting, ‘Jesus Christ’, it wasn’t his first artwork but definitely one of his best. Just like an ordinary portrait of the son of God, there was something in his eyes that you would keep on staring.
This exciting play with colors often makes one a millionaire, but the real common connotation of the word ‘art’ is unsuccessful and ‘no money.’
Ortega agrees that being an artist, like any other career is and will never be too easy. There were the continuous discouragements from the people around him that will always push him into giving up. “But you just have to keep your focus and have a strong heart” he explains, because a real artist is the one who loves his craft and will never be defeated by mere human who doesn’t even know how to define the word art.
Anyone who works with his hands alone is a laborer. And the one who works with his hands and head is called a craftsman, but the one who works with his hands, head and his heart is called an artist. Some artists may not be earning as much as a politician earns, but as long as they do the thing they love, is enough to continue on mixing those acrylics from the mixing plate.
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