Monday, May 26, 2008

The Cervarix power to heal

Abortion is a result of am unwanted pregnancy. But responsibility is way better than to receive a positive result from an HIV test. And using condoms actually prevents both from occurring.

A sexual intercourse is something passionate, done out of love or simply out of lust. It may be between you and a man, but without any protection, it may just end up between you and death.

Most women would freak out at the possibility of having breast cancer. But American Cancer Society’s studies show that the other major cause of death among women is Cervical Cancer.

Cervical Cancer occurs when normal cells in the cervix change into cancer cells. It is usually caused by HPV (Human Papilloma Virus) infection that results to pre-malignant lesions and develops to cancer.

Monthly menstruation is normal to a woman’s reproductive cycle. But when cancer cells start to invade the vagina, it may cause an irregular bleeding which is one of the obvious symptoms of cervical cancer.

Exposure to other sexually transmitted diseases such as human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and having multiple sex partners also triggers cancer cells. While smoking twice a day and the use of oral contraceptives also increases the risk of acquiring cervical cancer.

Cases of cervical cancer each year shows that one of every three patients die within a year after diagnosis and three out of four women will die in five years after diagnosis of cervical cancer.

Cervical cancer is second only to breast cancer as the most common malignancy that afflicts and kills Filipino women. However, cervical cancer is a more deadly disease: For every four Filipino women who survive cancer of the breast, only two or three will survive cancer of the cervix.

Though the sound of Cervical Cancer is frightening, there are several methods by which women can prevent the disease. There are primary methods such as vaccination offered in hospitals and other companies while the secondary method entails a cervical cancer screening.

The GlaxoSmithKline’s cervical cancer vaccine or Cervarix vaccine is consists of three doses. GSK representatives said although they guarantee the duration of vaccine protection against cervical cancer for five-and-a-half years, it’s likely to be effective up to 10 years. The vaccine can be administered to women as young as 10 years old, depending on one’s lifestyle.

“Most people think cervical cancer is a death sentence,” says Dr. Cecile Llave of the Cervical Cancer Prevention Network of the UP-PGH, “But now we know cervical cancer can be prevented. We know it can be treated.”

From all the prevention methods that doctors and promoters have been prescribing, a clean and healthy living is still the best advice you will get. Also with the availability of vaccines, in the future, cervical cancer can be a thing of the past.

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