Saturday, March 1, 2008

What makes me read an article?

It’s more than the excitement I feel whenever I read the phrases “rumors has it”, “…the starlet got pregnant” or “according to scientists…”

The stories I read in the newspapers and magazines even helped me to plan my future. The words I have read have stayed in my mind and had filled up the spaces in my knowledge box, which I failed to do so during my gradeschool and highscool days.

Before, I read articles on the net or on papers mainly because I want to entertain myself with interesting stories, could be gossips or the informative ones and the last reason that I may think of, on why I read them is to get informed. I’m really amazed on how my Mom knows every answer on the questions flashed whenever we watch game shows on TV and she’d always smile at us and say just read and that’s all.

Amazingly, after humiliating myself, trying to outdo my Mom’s knowledge, I started reading stories and short articles on magazines and newspapers. And now, more than ever, I got fond of reading the paper everyday at least for a couple of minutes, because I have to, not that I’m just forced to but I’m s soon-to-be journalist so I need to love reading.

And now, knowing how articles and short stories help me, I can say that I’m reading them to get information and be up-to-date on what’s going on in the society. And also I can now match my mom’s knowledge whenever we watch game shows on TV.

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