Tuesday, March 4, 2008


The reason I read an article is not just for the gossips and not because of the excitement whenever I read the lines “rumors has it”.

I read stories in the newspapers and magazines because it helps me fill the spaces in my knowledge box and it keeps me on track with what is happening in the society.

Before, I was reading just to entertain myself. But it changed after I decided to take up journalism and so I had to read, read, and read. But some articles are really boring and corny while some are really worthy of your time.

Articles that use action words and the ones that seem to be retelling a story are the most interesting. Exciting and lively kind of stories are the ones that captures my interest and makes me want to read on.

The ones with facts and background stories keep me reading because it gives me additional knowledge about certain issues. And these issues are explained well when writers use background stories as basis for their opinions.

My favorite genre of reading materials are stories that hold me in suspense. Every words count and every paragraphs and sentences are important to complete the thought of the story. I am always thrilled with every scene in the story that i feel I'm part of it. The enjoyment and fun that I experience makes me do everything just to finish an article.

1 comment:

Rome Jorge said...

Checked, posted on time - Prof. Jorge